Enhance + Engage
Donations to the CNMF directly support programs and activities that improve the visitor experience. These funds help make park experiences more enriching and accessible, deepening visitors' connections to the park's natural and cultural heritage.
Scroll to see the programs CNMF funds.
The Old Point Loma Lighthouse is one of the few immersive exhibits at Cabrillo National Monument; transporting visitors who step inside back in time to the 19th century. The upkeep of the lighthouse is taken on by a few Park staff and many dedicated volunteers. CNMF funding assists with the upkeep and ensures that the immersive experience is clean, authentic, and memorable.
The Volunteer-In-Parks program (VIP) provides essential and fundamental support for park operations every day. There are 200+ active and dedicated volunteers that give more than 17,000 hours annually. These hours equate to 12 full-time staff. Volunteers assist with natural, cultural and historical aspects of interpretation, visitor services, and conservation. The Park receives a modest amount of federal funds for the volunteer program but these funds are limited and restricted, so funding from the Foundation is crucial and appreciated.
Email cabr_volunteers@nps.gov to get started.
CNMF believes the Park should be enjoyed by all. Therefore, CNMF is honored to fund special projects that help make the park more accessible and easier to enjoy, create special memories, or remove barriers to accessing the Park.
The Cabrillo Store, located inside the Visitor Center at Cabrillo National Monument, and online, offers wonderful merchandise for you to bring home along that showcases your park experience with others. CNMF has published several award-winning books on historic and scientific topics relating to the Monument, which are sold in the store and distributed throughout San Diego County for educational purposes. Through the Cabrillo Store, we are honored to make such a significant contribution to the visitor experience and to the Park each year.
The Cabrillo Store provides about $50,000 per year in support of park programs and activities such as education opportunities at the Park for San Diego youth and schools.
The online store is currently under construction, but if you would like to purchase something, please email us at store@cnmf.org. Thank you!
“I consider it a privilege to contribute to making the New Trail a reality. The New Trail will significantly expand hiking and viewing opportunities for the greater San Diego community and those who visit from around the world year-round.”
~ Pam Hamilton Lester
As the philanthropic partner, Cabrillo National Monument Foundation 100% funded the construction of the new Oceanside Trail that will provide safe pedestrian access from the upper monument down to the popular tidepool area.
This project was made possible in part by the National Park Foundation, Gregory Annenberg Weingarten GRoW @ Annenberg, Buzz and Helen Kinnaird, Hervey Family Fund and many generous donors.
The Oceanside trail is also made possible from generous contributions from donors like you. Thank you.
Check out the trails at Cabrillo National Monument: